Mandie Holgate

Best selling author of Fight the fear, the 12 biggest fears that impact on success, people describe me as the reason they succeeded. Like a cheerleader, kick butt and wealth of knowledge that makes dreams reality.

If you would like me to write something especially for you, please do not hesitate to say.

Owner of the business growth community The INsiders - do join us. We make amazing things happen every week.

Nine strategies to successfully quitting the day job and launching you own business.

Business, Published June 17, 2024

Why it’s time to stop ignoring your lack of confidence – and its impact on your life

Business, Published May 15, 2024
Round wooden coin with eye detail and word, text "no" printed on it, held in the palm of a woman's hand.

A small word with big power

Business, Published April 8, 2024
Did you know one of the hardest words to excel at using is the word 'No'?

Words have power

Business, Published March 11, 2024
It isn't just the words you say but also the words you allow in your head that control what you get in life